Communication is quite possibly one of the most critical aspects of your life. Without good communication, you may find it difficult to interact with people. This can impact your confidence as well as your self-esteem, but if you seek the right help and support then you should find it easier than ever to make a positive change.

Feelings of Frustration

Did you know that hearing loss can lead to frustration and stress? Sometimes there are feelings of embarrassment if one person in the relationship has hearing loss and the other doesn’t. Communication can become more complex and even small talk and interactions might be difficult to get through.

At the end of the day, communication is vital if you want to have a healthy relationship. It doesn’t matter whether it is trivial chatter or a heartfelt conversation, because if you can’t talk to each other as much as you need then this can work against you.

Relationship Breakdown

If you have severe hearing loss then this can lead to the breakdown of your relationships. Hearing loss can cause small, but very necessary communication sessions to break down and when this happens, you may find that you end up getting very frustrated. Frustration can then lead to both annoyance and resentment, which can impact your relationship in more ways than one. A lot of people end up getting frustrated because they mishear conversations, which can lead to arguments between friends, couples or co-workers.

Loss of Confidence

If you struggle with hearing loss then you may find that it can impact your confidence in more ways than one. It may be that you end up struggling to talk to your loved one or that you don’t want to go anywhere in case you can’t hear your other half talk. Even simple trips to the grocery store can become worrisome. If this is the case, then you may be tempted to avoid them entirely and this can make it incredibly difficult for you to move forward with your life.

You may experience confidence issues when having workplace meetings as well, as you may be afraid to speak up in case you didn’t hear the question properly. Taking part in debates can also be much more difficult, as you can’t hear every word that is being said. 


If you can’t hear people very well then you may be tempted to shut yourself off more. You may find that you just end up avoiding topics of discussion or that you simply avoid going to family gatherings. You may want to avoid crowds of people where you find it hard to hear as well.

Some people even avoid watching television because they cannot take in what is being said without subtitles and they do not want to be a burden on their partner. Things like this can make it even more difficult for those with severe hearing loss to integrate well with others, but it has never been easier for you to get the help you need.


If you have hearing loss then you may be prone to mental health disorders. This can include anxiety and depression. This can stem from you not being able to take part in conversations properly or you finding it difficult to engage with others. You may not feel as though you can integrate well in groups and therefore avoid them, triggering even more feelings of isolation and exacerbating your depression. 

So, hearing loss can have a monumental impact on your relationships, and it can also affect your work and your general happiness, but there are things you can do to try and make a positive change. It all starts with you contacting an audiologist to see if they can get to the basis of the issue. 

If you can take the time to get your hearing loss evaluated, then this will help you to get to the root of the issue. It may be that it is possible to almost restore your previous level of hearing and that you can take part in conversations once more. It may be that you find it easier to talk to others and that your confidence comes back fairly quickly.

Some find that by seeking help with their hearing loss, they are able to do things that they stopped a long time ago. It may be that your hearing loss is caused by a medical condition and that when this is treated, your audiologist will be able to find the best treatment for you. If you want to seek help today, then learn more about Atlantic Audiology by calling us today at (401) 262-0170.