Hearing loss is a problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by several factors, including age, noise exposure, and genetics. However, one type of hearing loss that is becoming increasingly common is high-frequency hearing loss. This blog post will discuss the symptoms and treatment of high-frequency hearing loss.

Symptoms of High-Frequency Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can present with a wide variety of symptoms and it’s critical to recognize them to get the treatment required to maintain your quality of life. These common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds: High-frequency hearing loss is the most common symptom. If you have difficulty hearing sounds such as birds chirping or a child’s voice, it could indicate that you have this hearing loss.
  • Trouble hearing in noisy environments: People with high-frequency hearing loss may have difficulty hearing in places with a lot of background noise. This can make it challenging to participate in conversations or to hear warning sounds such as sirens.
  • Ringing in the ears: Tinnitus is a common symptom of high-frequency hearing loss. It is a ringing, buzzing, or whistling sound that can be heard in both ears or just one ear.
  • Sensitivity to loud noises: People with high-frequency hearing loss may be more sensitive to loud noises than people without the condition. This can cause discomfort or pain in the ears after exposure to loud sounds.
  • Difficulty understanding speech: People with high-frequency hearing loss may have difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments. This can make it difficult to carry on a conversation or understand what someone is saying.
  • Feeling fullness in the ears: Some people with high-frequency hearing loss may feel like their ears are always full. This can be a feeling of pressure or congestion.
  • Dizziness: Some people with high-frequency hearing loss may experience dizziness. This can result from the ear not processing sound waves correctly.
  • Fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of high-frequency hearing loss. This can be caused by the ear constantly trying to process sound waves.
  • Insecurity: People with hearing loss may feel insecure or anxious in social situations. This can be due to the difficulty hearing and understanding speech.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to see an audiologist. An audiologist is a healthcare professional specializing in hearing and balance disorders. They will conduct a hearing test to determine if you have high-frequency hearing loss.

How High-Frequency Loss Can Be Diagnosed

There are a few different ways that high-frequency hearing loss can be diagnosed. The most common way is through a hearing test. The audiologist will ask you to listen to a series of tones during this test and then identify which one you heard. They will also play sounds in different environments, such as a quiet room and a noisy restaurant. This will help to determine how well you can hear in different situations.

The audiologist may also use a machine called an audiometer to measure your hearing. This machine will send sound waves into your ear and then measure how well your ear responds to the sound.

High-frequency hearing loss can also be diagnosed through a hearing aid evaluation. During this test, the audiologist will fit you with a hearing aid and then ask you to complete a series of tasks. They will also ask you how well you can hear with the hearing aid.

Common Treatments

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for high-frequency hearing loss. The best way to treat the condition depends on its severity and the individual’s needs. However, some of the most common treatments include:

  • Hearing aids: Hearing aids are a standard treatment for all types of hearing loss. They help amplify sound waves to be processed by the ear. In-the-ear (ITE), in-the-canal (ITC) and completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids are some of the common types of hearing aid recommended for high-frequency hearing loss. An ITE hearing aid is a behind-the-ear hearing aid that fits the ear and rests on the ear canal. An ITC hearing aid is an in-the-canal hearing aid that fits partly in the ear canal. A CIC hearing aid is an entirely in-the-canal hearing aid that sits deep in the ear canal.
  • Assistive listening devices: Assistive listening devices can amplify sound in specific situations. They can be helpful for people who have difficulty hearing in noisy environments.
  • Lip reading: Lip reading is a skill that people with high-frequency hearing loss can learn. It involves watching the lips and facial expressions of a speaking person.

With a multitude of different treatments available at your fingertips, it’s important you get the right consultation and solution. Contact The Hearing Doctors today at (630) 315-2899 to learn more about high-frequency hearing loss and how we can help you combat this issue!

Tags: hearing loss symptoms, high-frequency hearing loss